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A Dark Night for a Dark Knight II by David Sanders (Genre: Living Dead)
The dark figure cut across the black silhouette of the skyline,
sometimes blending with the deep shadows of the ruined buildings, more often
standing in bias relief against the purple of the nighttime sky. The part of
the city below him was no longer his. The streets of the Bowery belonged to the
few remaining good citizens of Gotham. But, the rooftops and the skyline would
always be his.
The dead had risen and Gotham had fallen in the wake. The
once majestic city was a wonderland of damnation. Before the rise of the dead
it had been his in name only, afterwards it had become his by right of force.
Now, however, Gotham was divided territory. Cities within the confines of a
Poison Ivy owned the expanse of nature that had been
Robinson Park, until such time as he decided to take it from her. The Upper
East Side, the section between his territory, in Old Gotham, and the Bowery
belonged to the criminal, the insane and the lost. The law abiding survivors, a
handful at best, had claimed the Bowery. Everything else belonged to the
walking dead, except for the island of Arkham. He didn’t know who owned that,
nor did he care to.
Not that the borders to any of these territories were a
permanent thing. The war between the good and the evil that had raged in Gotham
since he could remember had not ceased in the face of death. When word reached
one gang that another gang had found a cache of food or weapons, war erupted
before the rumors could be confirmed. The citizens of the Bowery held off not
only the living dead, but marauders intent on having their medical supplies and
food. Batman let them kill each other without much interference. They would
have to come to terms on their own, they would have to face facts or die. They
were all prisoners in Gotham.
It had been easy for the government to isolate the island
city from the rest of the world. Easy for them to condemn it’s citizens to face
the end of the world on their own. The argument had been simple, all major
cities that showed signs of contagion must be segregated from the rest of the
country. It had all been a farce though, the whole world was victim to the
plague of rising corpses. Gotham was just another casualty.
He swung from his grappling line, working his way slowly
towards street level. Over an abandoned apartment complex, he could just make
out the lights of the survivors’ campfires. His feet slid on the wet pavement
as he finally reached the earth. It was always damp here, the air was pregnant
with condensation from the Sprang River. Batman moved to the shadows of ruin,
skulking through a city that he had once walked with his head held high.
He could have been more the hero for the rising dead, in
many ways he was. But, the citizens of Gotham had deemed it fit to turn their
fate over to his hands at the beginning of the whole mess. Two hands to win an
impossible war. The Batman had fallen from their pedestal, was still falling.
He rounded a sharp corner in an alley he knew well and
came within spitting distance of the ‘fence’ that surrounded the camp of the
survivors. The fence had been constructed of severed light poles, wrecked cars,
and piles of rubble from collapsed buildings. Anything and everything was used
to fill the gaps in the barrier. It was an ugly wall with an ugly purpose and
it served them well against the dead and the gangs. Of course, Batman found his
way over it and passed the stationed guards with ease. These men were used to
hearing the death moans of their enemies long before they ever saw them. He was
just another shadow in a world overcome by them.
He kept to the outskirts of the camp. Moving along the
wall, weaving his way in and out of the shelters fashioned by the derelict
remains of the city whenever he came near a guard. At the northern most end, he
came to a large white tent emblazoned with crude red crosses. Batman slipped
through the rear entrance of the tent.
Twenty years ago today, a simple website was uploaded to the internet, called 'Fozznet' (via a 56k modem if I recall). Part of this website included the first incarnation of 'Homepage of the Dead'. Since then the site has slowly grown into something far bigger than I could ever have envisaged back then.
I hope it's proved of some interest to both ardent Romero fans or even just visitors with a casual interest. And I'd especially like to thank everyone who has helped the site in anyway in the past, and to those who continue to do so today - eg: sending in information, submitting articles, contribution fiction, or helping out on the forums (eg: setting them up and moderating). Many many thanks! | |
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This site is dedicated to the horror films comprising the George A. Romero "Dead" series of films, Night of the Living Dead, Dawn of the Dead, Day of the Dead, Land of the Dead, Diary of the Dead and Survival of the Dead. |

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- Night of the Living Dead: | 108 (Latest: 9-Mar-2008) |
- Dawn of the Dead: | 148 (Latest: 10-Jun-2005) |
- Day of the Dead: | 63 (Latest: 20-Feb-2007) |
- Night 1990: | 21 (Latest: 12-Oct-2012) |
- Land of the Dead: | 3 (Latest: 2-Aug-2005) |
- Diary of the Dead: | 1 (Latest: 30-Jun-2008) |

- Deadscapes: Broken Road [Click]
- Circling The Drain. [Click]
- Come Get Some. [Click]

 | BOOKS |  |
- God of the Dead [Click]
- Twilight of the Dead [Click]
- Down the Road [Click]
- Project Pheonix: Dead Rising [Click]
- Reign of the Dead. [Click]
- Autumn: A free online novel [Click]
- Autumn - The City: Sequel to Autumn [Click]

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