Conversation Between Tricky and Tricia Martin

8 Visitor Messages

  1. Ah no worries, I hope everything is as ok as it can be under the circumstances.
  2. Hi there. I still really like this site. I've been gone lately because I had a death in my family. When life gets back to "normal" I will come back and participate more.
  3. Hey! How you settling in to the HPOTD then? Hope your still finding it good! Get ready for it being a hive of activity again shortly when TWD starts up again
  4. Gotchya...yeah- work has been trying to make me die lately...hahaa! I guess if I have more time to visit I will meet more people. So far everyone who has responded to me have been really cool. I've started a couple of threads. Gotten a few views but not many replies. I also started a group. Until yesterday I was the only member! hahaa! I got Joe Barbarisi back on here for a minute- from Phenia Films. When Gary (Streiner) has more time I may be able to coerse him into coming back for a visit. He's just been so busy lately I'm surprised he's even had time for sleep! Either way, I am happy I found this place. I love it so far. Very nice to make your acquaintance!
  5. Its odd really, at times its a hive of activity and at others its really quiet! I guess the thing to do is start a few threads and hope they draw people in. Its a good crowd on here, people like myself, Minionzombie, Neil, Danny, Evil Ned etc have been here for years. The only reasons I havent been on as much as usual are Skyrim & Battlefield 3 which are both eating my computer time at the moment!
  6. It seems pretty quiet here when I log on...does it ever pick up any? This place has such potential but I harldy ever see anyone online.
  7. Well hello!
  8. Hello there!
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 8 of 8