
Type: Posts; User: zombieparanoia; Keyword(s):

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  1. Contains Spoilers! Yeah, but isn't that a crap conflict? Do we...

    Yeah, but isn't that a crap conflict? Do we engage in behaviors that will essentially ensure we perish but allow us to "die with our principles intact" or behave in ways that give us a chance of long...
  2. Contains Spoilers! I don't know that the "humanity" many on here...

    I don't know that the "humanity" many on here expect people and groups of people to show is really something that extends beyond modern, first world 20/21st century society BECAUSE of the abundance...
  3. Contains Spoilers! Ok, I liked the way they took Bob out, he had...

    Ok, I liked the way they took Bob out, he had been the sole survivor of several previous groups and thought he was "cursed" sort of then he finds sasha, gets a bit of happiness and goes out in his...
  4. Contains Spoilers! This is a very good point. Rick and the group...

    This is a very good point. Rick and the group have already been at the CDC where they were told straight up by the only man left on the inside, nobody anywhere has any idea of how to cure this. Why...
  5. Replies

    I don't really see it. Not the part with bob.

    I don't really see it. Not the part with bob.
  6. Replies

    Sweet fancy jesus. It sounds like a sitcom with...

    Sweet fancy jesus. It sounds like a sitcom with all those "rebellious teenage..." and single parents. Brady bunch goes undead. They've even got an Alice!
  7. Replies

    I agree that they sometimes portray the skull as...

    I agree that they sometimes portray the skull as having the structural integrity of a marshmallow, but at the same time, I've seen the effect that surprisingly small amounts of blunt force can have...
  8. Replies

    I like daryl. I like him more than carl and rick....

    I like daryl. I like him more than carl and rick. There, I said it.

    To use an analogy to another comic series, I see carl and rick in the comics and the series as being like jean grey and...
  9. Replies

    Oh my god. The writing is so bad. I completely...

    Oh my god. The writing is so bad. I completely retract any criticisms I've had for the show writers, they look like frigging literary geniuses compared to the comic.

    Spoilers for issue 129 Get...
  10. Replies

    Surely AMC would be able to make more money off...

    Surely AMC would be able to make more money off skipping the talking dead for a night and running the premiere right through? They are just after the dollars after all as we've seen them do a lot of...
  11. Whoops. I guess someone did some reading after...

    Whoops. I guess someone did some reading after all...
  12. Leaderless resistance? Against the best armed and...

    Leaderless resistance? Against the best armed and trained military in the world? yeah right, give your head a shake if you think that's ever going to happen. There is literally more likely chance of...
  13. Really? Go ahead and point out all those military...

    Really? Go ahead and point out all those military victories the insurgents had. The only way insurgents win is by waiting for the occupier to go home due to cost of maintaining long distance...
  14. Replies

    That suit should be called the batwing. Because...

    That suit should be called the batwing. Because it's so veiny!
  15. Oh come on, Americans are way too fat and lazy to...

    Oh come on, Americans are way too fat and lazy to actually go to revolution. Look at Syria, how many americans would be willing to give up their wifi, running water, electricity, 10,000 channels and...
  16. Replies

    Season 5: Things and Stuff, return of the eyef*ck.

    Season 5: Things and Stuff, return of the eyef*ck.
  17. Replies

    Fair enough. I just personally tend to have a...

    Fair enough. I just personally tend to have a more consequentialist view of how life would be post zombie apocalypse. To me, the moralizing seems very out of place in a world where basically...
  18. Replies

    Ok, good to know, so I should consider going...

    Ok, good to know, so I should consider going further back in the series. Yeah, the prison assault was kind of a cannon fodder spectacular on the show. I agree on the peculiarity of the failure to...
  19. Replies

    Comic discussion thread

    Is anyone here reading the comics for the Walking Dead? I'm surprised there isn't already a comic thread going? or is there and it just died a lonely death because everyone really just watches the...
  20. Contains Spoilers! As we can see by the low, low rates of assaults...

    As we can see by the low, low rates of assaults and homicides in the US. The US could use more acting out on boobs and butts and a little less acting out on blood and gore.
  21. Contains Spoilers! Ok, if you're saying the shock was from the...

    Ok, if you're saying the shock was from the attempted rape, sure, I can buy that. I thought they were selling more as a reaction to how his dad saved basically everyone. because that to me is...
  22. Contains Spoilers! I thought it was a good episode overall, I...

    I thought it was a good episode overall, I thought the part where rick snaps was good, that they did recon on terminus was good, the flashbacks were good for exposition. There were only a couple...
  23. Contains Spoilers! Fair enough, I just googled it thinking I'd get...

    Fair enough, I just googled it thinking I'd get back a small number, apparently there are something like 70 prisons in Georgia. who knew? Obviously neither me or rick grimes.
  24. Contains Spoilers! OMG! That is so true. Rick was a sheriff in...

    OMG! That is so true. Rick was a sheriff in georgia and didn't know where the prisons were?
  25. Contains Spoilers! I have a theory. Do I have to spoiler tag a...

    I have a theory. Do I have to spoiler tag a theory?

    Oh well, here goes...The groups all arrive at terminus and are at first convinced that it is indeed a good place where they can rest up but then...
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